on the blog:
The missing jacket. You may or may not know, that while I was traveling last autumn in Greece, I lost my precious corduroy jacket. The jacket was special to me because it´s one of the first items I ever made. Before I got the sewing machine I now have, I actually used an old mechanical Singer. The skirt pictured above is sewn using this, and the jacket has some seams made on the ol´Singer. Photo by Miki Yoshihito, licensed under Creative Commons. Although I started sewing this jacket in 2005, I didn´t actually finish it off until Self- Stitched September last year. It got a lot of wear during that one month, until…
Read MoreLess than a week a go, my darling came home from a two months long trip abroad. I did go visit him in February, but it´s so nice to have him back! My mission this year is to make him the perfect shirt. He was supposed to get a nice white dress shirt for Christmas last year, but when I started measuring him, and comparing these measurements to the one´s in the pattern I was using, I quickly understood that I didn´t have a clue on what I was doing. I have somehow wound up with a body that has the exact same proportions as many big pattern company´s draft…
Read MoreSo, peops, how´s it going with the MMMar´11? Judging from the Flickr Pool, it´s seems to be working out great for most. Just to refresh your memory (and my own), here´s my vow for the month: âI, Sølvi of delfinelise, enthusiastically sign up as a participant of Me-Made-March â11. I endeavour to wear as much me-made and refashioned items as possible, all depending on weather, and with the exception of tights and undies each day for the duration of March 2011.â So far, I´ve only worn me-mades, not any refashions at all, actually. This is mostly due to the fact that I didn´t remember if I´d written it in my little vow…
Read MoreThis video is from Astrid Lindgren´s book/tv-series about Emil. This song is about how summer sometimes needs a little help, it really is a spring/summer anthem here:-). So, over at the MMMar´11 Flickr pool, there have been some lovely spring creations, and I got inspired, and wanted to make something appropriate for warmer weather too. As I did make a million summer dresses last year, I really can´t justify making even more (I´ll make spring dresses instead…), but I really wanted a pair of shorts for summer. I´ve been wanting a pair of high waisted shorts (shock…) and went through my stash to see what I could come up with.…
Read MoreThe sun is setting, and the snow is melting outside the tropical greenhouse in Uppsala Botanical Garden. This weeks challenge over at The Sew Weekly was to make something inspired by the town you live in. Now, I live in Uppsala, and apart from having a really old university, a really big (and old) church, and even older (but smaller) church, a half- made castle and generally being old and nice, Uppsala is the home of some impressive historical people. One of them who is still most visible (despite being dead for 233 years) is Carl von LinnĂŠ aka Carolus Linnaeus. He wasn´t born in Uppsala, but lived…
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 Hi there! I´m Sølvi Elise. Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. This is a space where I share my craft projects and thoughts and ideas concerning handmade in a consumerist world.
I live in Oslo, Norway where I use my spare time stitching up my own wardrobe. So far, I´d say that 80 % of my closet is filled with me-mades. I also have an interest in historical sewing, embroidery, knitting, crochet, leatherwork, tablet weaving, rigid heddle loom- weaving, cocktails, jewelry making, makramÊ, shoe making, drawing, paper craft, machine knitting and generally any craft that looks like fun.