Note to self on bra-making

These are some notes to myself, that I should remember when making bras. If these reminders can be helpful to others, that´s a bonus.
- Use only bra making appropriate materials. Super stretchy jersey should not be used at all if not specifically called for.
- Take your time. Don´t rush things.
- Surce ALL materials at the same time. Don´t “make do” with something. It never works out esthetically.
- Remember that the difference in seam allowance and widths of elastics make a difference. Always refer back to what the pattern calls for even if you have made it a millon times.
- Straight stitches are better for fastening the strap elastic to the front than small zig zag ones.
- When inserting chanelling, shift the stitch 0.8 to the left for optimal seam on the inside. The outside can then be where it usually is.
- Attatch the bra closure with a 2.0 x 2.0 zig zag.
- Use a three step zig zag for the underarm and band elastics. Arund 6.0 x 7.0 is good for smaller widths, 7.0 x 8.5 is good for wider.
- Remember that strap elastic and rings and sliders must match in width.
- All changes made one place will affect another place as well. Be aware, specially when changing the length of the cup outer dimentions. The wire will not fit if it´s shortened.
- Matching thread for each piece will lift the look of the garment significantly.