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My oldest niece will soon turn four years old (yikes! how time flies!), and that coincides with her being very much into playing dress-up (as all four year olds…). A perfect coincident for a costume enthusiast like her aunt! So for her fourth birthday I´ve made her a little cowgirl dress. Or, really, it´s more of a country music singer dress, as I am giving her a little guitar as well. Both her parents are big bluegrass and country music fans, so I think this will fit well into their plan of turning their daughter into a country music star (it´s either that or a car mechanic at…
Read MoreKavala, Greece. I was over at crab&bee´s lovely blog today and read a great review of the book No more dirty looks by Siobhan O’Connor and Alexandra Spunt. Not only was the review great (I instantly added the book to my wishlist, as well as it is a great present for an upcoming birthday), it spurred me to think about what I do in my life that “will make the world a better place”. I´m faaaaar from perfect, it´s so easy to do and purchase things out of old habits, or just by being lazy! Marrakech, Morocco. But I thought I´d share with you some things in my everyday life…
Read MoreMy blue fabric is still uncut, and I am being very indecisive about it all. The thing is, it has such a wonderful sheen, and a plain pencil skirt wouldn´t do that much justice. I´m thinking that some pleats or tucks would help to enhance that quality. Ahhh! The choices! Some ideas for summer clothing. A part from that, I have made a new plan. A plan for my spring sewing. A part of my challenge this year is to sew more for others, but I haven´t really gotten around to do much of that, so I will hereby announce my spring sewing plan, including unselfish sewing, just to see…
Read MoreThank you all for your lovely and supportive comments on my last post. Man, you are a dress loving bunch (as if we hadn´t established that before…:-)). Anyways. I still haven´t decided, but I am giving you, and myself some arguments in favor of  a pencil skirt. I give you 16 reasons for making a pencil skirt: These are 16 different outfits with a blue pencil skirt paired with tops I own, or have in my sewing que.  Those on queue are no. 1, 4, 10 and 15. The rest of the lot, I already have. But, as if this isn´t argument enough, I will give you 21 more reasons why…
Read MoreMy perfect fabric… I have this cotton sateen fabric in the most perfect blue color. When I was in New York, I spent something like 3 hours at Mood Fabrics. I just soaked in all of the colors, prints, notions – everything. I bought some yardage (actually meterage- they easily helped me convert from meter to yard. Such a nice staff!). One of the fabrics I bought was the mentioned cotton sateen. The blue is as close to Majorelle Blue (that I encountered in Marrakech) as I´ve seen on a fabric. It´s perfect!  I originally thought of making a pair of shorts from it, then I went ahead and…
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 Hi there! I´m Sølvi Elise. Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. This is a space where I share my craft projects and thoughts and ideas concerning handmade in a consumerist world.
I live in Oslo, Norway where I use my spare time stitching up my own wardrobe. So far, I´d say that 80 % of my closet is filled with me-mades. I also have an interest in historical sewing, embroidery, knitting, crochet, leatherwork, tablet weaving, rigid heddle loom- weaving, cocktails, jewelry making, makramÊ, shoe making, drawing, paper craft, machine knitting and generally any craft that looks like fun.