on the blog:
I was trying to make a pair of shorts the other day, and I thought that I MUST have some appropriate fabric in my stash. After all, shorts doesn´t take that much fabric! I did find some fabric for my shorts. I also found the insight of the necessity of going through my stash. Again. A little warning for the newbie-sewer: I have only been sewing since 2005, and on top of that, really haven´t made a conscious choice to build a stash. And, I´m not especially rich or anything, I can´t buy everything I want. I usually get my stash on sale or I thrift. Still, my stash has grown completely out of…
Read MorePattern size: 36-44 Pattern type: Women’s cropped pants pattern with side zipper. Rating: Recommend, with modifications Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? If you look past the alterations I did, yes. Were the instructions easy to follow? I didn´t really follow the instructions, as these were fairly easy pants to construct. What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? What attracted me to this pattern in the first place was the cropped legs, and the fairly high rise of the waist.  What I didn´t love was the hem slits, so I just omitted them. Fabric Used:…
Read MoreWhen Sarah, Alessa and Ali announced a Fall Essential Sew Along, and doing so by using alliterations like Fashionable Foundations for Frosty Weather  and Chic Chemises for Cool Climates, I knew I had to join. Now, I am trying to keep the selfish sewing limited, so I get more time to sew for others, but some things have been waiting patiently in the back of my mind for a while and it is time to pull them out from their hidings. My sewing plans for fall are two dresses, one  pair of pants, one pair of shorts, a hat and the refashioning of a blouse. I have tons of other…
Read MoreSeptember has arrived, and as a preparation for a month wearing me- mades, I decided to make some underthings for myself. After quarreling with my sewing machine for a while, and then clean it, and then quarrel a bit more, I almost got the tension right for sewing zig-zag on knits. Almost. And it still will not sew proper zig-zag stitches on silk. So I have followed Karen’s excellent idea, and gotten myself a piggy bank, where I, sooner or later, will have enough money to by myself a new, or more likely, old, sewing machine. Anyhoo: Here are the new additions to my wardrobe: They are made…
Read MoreLately, contemporary fashion has been on my mind. Not any contemporary fashion, or the “vintage inspired” look that is seen everywhere. No, I am talking about Spanish contemporary fashion. Ever since my darling and I visited the beautiful town of Tarragona back in the beginning of the month, I have been having a crush on Spanish fashion. Photo from Tarragona, taken by my darling. It seems to me, and this is purely based on my own personal observations in one Spanish (or should I say Catalan) town, that the Spanish women know a thing or two about style, that I could learn from. There was a lot of flowy, asymmetrical gorgeous fashion,…
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 Hi there! I´m Sølvi Elise. Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. This is a space where I share my craft projects and thoughts and ideas concerning handmade in a consumerist world.
I live in Oslo, Norway where I use my spare time stitching up my own wardrobe. So far, I´d say that 80 % of my closet is filled with me-mades. I also have an interest in historical sewing, embroidery, knitting, crochet, leatherwork, tablet weaving, rigid heddle loom- weaving, cocktails, jewelry making, makramÊ, shoe making, drawing, paper craft, machine knitting and generally any craft that looks like fun.