on the blog:
I have always seen myself as a giving person who helps others in need. I am born and raised in one of the wealthiest countries in the world and have always learned to give to those who have less then me. Still, after I finished studying and started working, I find myself in the shameful situation of not giving anything to charity on a regular basis. I started to wonder about how this could be? The easy way out is to say that I donât have enough money. But still, somehow I can afford to buy new clothes and shoes and craft supplies. It dawned on me that…
Read More> DSCN0390.JPG Posted via email from delfinelise
Read More>Dear Spring, where are you? We need you! As I wait for warmer and brighter days, this crepe paper flower reminds me of what is to come. Instructions are to be found here, as mentioned earlier.
Read More>Allright, so this has nothing to do with crafts, but I came across this article about cooking, and it is hillarious. In Norwegian, I´m afraid. But still. Lots of good tips for the amateur chef. http://blogg.aftenposten.no/ekern/2009/11/06/10-blemmer-du-gj%C3%B8r-pa-kj%C3%B8kkenet/
Read More> This is the first of the projects I want to finish this year. This two-piece dress is a treasure to me. My grandfatherâs brother was a sailor. He sailed the Seven Seas when it was still a grand adventure and when everyone in my coastal hometown had at least one man of the sea in the family. This dress is bought somewhere in East Asia for at least fifty years ago. It was a favorite of my grandmother, and this is visible especially on some of the edges. But most of the embroideries are still looking fantastic, and the colors are beautiful. My goal with this dress…
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 Hi there! I´m Sølvi Elise. Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. This is a space where I share my craft projects and thoughts and ideas concerning handmade in a consumerist world.
I live in Oslo, Norway where I use my spare time stitching up my own wardrobe. So far, I´d say that 80 % of my closet is filled with me-mades. I also have an interest in historical sewing, embroidery, knitting, crochet, leatherwork, tablet weaving, rigid heddle loom- weaving, cocktails, jewelry making, makramÊ, shoe making, drawing, paper craft, machine knitting and generally any craft that looks like fun.