on the blog:
I am so sorry for the recent radio silence, but after a week of illness always comes a week of crazy catching up (and in this case an exam as well). But. Last Saturday, I managed to get out of the house, jump on the commute and head for Stockholm International Fair and the biannual Syfestivalen. Drinking my tea on the train. Are we there yet? This is basically the biggest crafts fair in Sweden. And, off course – I love it! I went alone this year, and that is not actually all bad, because I can obsess at the booth I love the most, for as long as…
Read MoreI´m still not feeling well, especially during the night – I have to get up around 1 in the morning, brewing ALOT of tea, and cut out some projects to keep my mind off coughing. I tried some medicine – and it gave me a headache! Great. Well, I´m not going to bore you with my health – I am in fact feeling better today than yesterday, so there is progress! đ So, last night I cut out the pattern pieces for this cardi: I first noticed this during Self- Stitched September, when the lovely Jamie sported her version of it. What I noticed during  SSS was that I really needed some light cardigans…
Read MoreI am writing this in the middle of the night, because I can´t sleep, as I´m coughing like you wouldn´t believe it. I am too tired to actually produce something (AKA sew). So what else to do than give you a little update on what I´m up to next? (I am actually trying to exhaust myself so much that I just pass out on the couch.Whether or not writing a blog post can be considered tiresome, is not completely clear.) 1. The Vest. This is the first project I´m making based on my newly bought book: The Perfect Fit. The pattern I´m using is from the 1970s, and is one size too…
Read MoreFirst of all, thank you all for the lovely comments on my Kate trousers. I can add to the description of them that they are mighty comfortable as well! When I woke up today, my voice had left me, and my body was aching. As my line of work is to teach people to sing, there was no point trying to go to work today, as it is kind of tricky to demonstrate different singing techniques without a voice! Luckily, I have just received my recently ordered sewing literature, and so I have spent most of my day on the couch, tucked under a quilt, with a cup…
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 Hi there! I´m Sølvi Elise. Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. This is a space where I share my craft projects and thoughts and ideas concerning handmade in a consumerist world.
I live in Oslo, Norway where I use my spare time stitching up my own wardrobe. So far, I´d say that 80 % of my closet is filled with me-mades. I also have an interest in historical sewing, embroidery, knitting, crochet, leatherwork, tablet weaving, rigid heddle loom- weaving, cocktails, jewelry making, makramÊ, shoe making, drawing, paper craft, machine knitting and generally any craft that looks like fun.