What I made this month: January
First of all, sorry for not writing sooner, but I ´ve had a splitting headache most of the week, so I really needed to step away from the computer, and try to do other things instead. Now, you don´t have to feel sorry for me, because it´s all my own fault, not working out as I know I should.
But, as part of my new and better life, I want to keep you updated on what I´ve been doing the last month. So I will try to have a new blog post every month (that I have something to show you), to give you a glimpse of what I´ve been up to. I imagine that it´s a great way for me to log my activity, too. I will try to post one of these each month, and for now, it will only be stuff that haven´t got a separate blog post themselves. And work in progress will not be featured.
Alright, lets see, now shall we?
Ceylon the blouse
Funny, but at the same time I was stitching up a version of Colette´s Ceylon in a blouse version, Taran was doing the excact same thing. You should check it out here, it´s gorgeous! Anyways, this is my version:
Eagerly reading my new amazon.co.uk score, Sweet Nothings.
Ceylon the blouse is made from a thrifted cotton fabric, rather stiff, but because Ceylon have so many pieces, it works with a fabric not necessarily made for apparel (good to keep in mind if you are longing for one of those tempting quilt cottons, ay?). As you perhaps know, I´ve made Ceylon the dress before, and from that experience I learned that a) I needed to do a little FBA, and b) piping is great on this style. And so I did. The FBA, because of the gathered style, was quite easy to do, I merely just added 4 cm to the length of the bodice front. I made the piping myself, and I used sating bias tape and some cord for that.
Back and front view, with sloppy photo editing, so one´s got much more brighter colors. The back view has the most accurate colors.
Patrones primavera 2011 – 29
Practicing some italian hand gestures before heading for New Jersey at the end of the month…
This is one of these quick and easy projects, maybe a bit too quick (ehem…), but I love this kind of style, and was so excited when I found it I just had to make one instantly! I´ve been searching for a perfect cowled neck top pattern for ages, one that has a BIG cowl neckline, and one that is cut on the grain (so I don´t need to use a trillion meters for just a simple top). This is it! Love it, the original pattern is really for a woven fabric, I used a rayon knit, bought on sale, and it worked out fine. The, skirt by the way, is one I´ve had for ages, but it has always been a bit big. This month I finally adjusted it. Hurray for a new black staple skirt!
Although both the top and the skirt are contemporary, together they have quite the 30´s vibe, don´t you think?
Kimono sleeved jacket aka Vouge 8604:
Tasia asked a question the other day on people gave a Yay! or a Nay! to capes. I, trying to be practical gave it a theoretically Yay! and a practical Nay!, and then I went on and made this:
Continued reading of Sweet Nothings…
Now, strictly speaking, this isn´t a cape, but it IS darn close… So I guess what I´m saying, is that everyone needs to make something terribly unpractical once in a while! ;.-) This is the kimono sleeved jacket from the same pattern as my newest pants, Vouge 8604. I´ve been longing for this for a looong time, I just find the style so cute! And I AM a sucker for kimono sleeves. The fabric is a wool/rayon blend I bought at the fair back in November. I lined it with the same fabric I used for Sencha. So at least I have one matching piece of clothing in my wardrobe… This jacket is the first finished item for the Colette Spring Palette Challenge, though, so more matching items are on their way!
Front view of the kimono sleeved jacket.
Tuxedo Junction, Burda WOF 01-2008-106:
Dancing a little- I am so happy that I´ve finally finished this shirt!
Now, some of the most observant of you might recall this shirt. I showed it to you as a work in progress in November. But due to button issues, Christmas, procrastination and other unfortunate events (alright, so Christmas may not be unfortunate, perhaps…), I didn´t actually finish this until now. But, can I tell you – I am sooo happy with this! This is one of the first real FBA´s I did, and this is actually the first time in the history of mankind that I have had a shirt that actually fit. A shirt that don´t have an unflattering 8 over the bust, if you know what I mean…
This fabric is another thrifted cotton fabric. It is quite light and loosely woven, and very comfortable. In addition to an FBA, I added a billion buttons to the front closing. This is yet another 30´s inspired garment made from a contemporary pattern. If I wear this all buttoned up, I really look like a old- fashioned school teacher. Oh, joy!
Zipper issues resolved:
This is a dress I bought, lets say, 6 years ago? Tthe zipper broke immediately. I have actually never used this dress because of that. And finally, January 2011, I removed the old zipper, and inserted a new. This style of dress is really cute, although this particular store bought piece is a bit tight over the chest (see earlier complaint about shirts), but it works. And the fabric is oh, so cute. I really loves me some silhouette prints, and the combination of navy and white has never been wrong, now has it? This dress will be perfect for a spring party!
What about you people, have you been producing stuff not yet released to the world?
Have a great day!
Love the capelet/jacket. What is it about those kimono sleeves? :). Hooray for the Ceylon blouse love, your fabric is gorgeous. Also love the dress you rescued, that print really is amazing
Oh, I love them all! Is that cowl shirt from Patrones no 300? I must have that pattern!
The Ceylon shirt is a great idea and your version is stunning!
[…] one I´ve had for ages, but it has always been a bit big. This month I finally adjusted it … Woven Fabric – Google Blog SearchDSC04514.JPG Image by catherinetodd2 Backside of hand woven fabric.Do I have to use cross-stitch […]
@tanitisis: Thanks, kimono sleeves really makes the workd go round
@PepperToast: Thanks! Yup,, that is from Patrones 300. A wonderful issue, I could make everything in it, I think!
@Paunnet: Thank you so much!
All so lovely! Ceylon shirt duly added to my wish list.
I don’t know where to start. I couldn’t agree more about the dress print, your ceylon is delightful, and I’m really digging your style in general. Oh, and I might have to take your advice about capes…
Wowee! You have been incredibly productive and I LOVE everything you’ve made! If only I could be half as productive as you are!
Well done!
Cute items and a very productive January! I love the little cape jacket, it’s so pretty in winter white!
Thank you all so much! January is a calm month work- wise for me, so I can be more productive in the sewing department. We´ll see how the rest of the year turns out….
Love the patrones cowl and the cute fixer upper dress! Yes, I am bad about blogging finished projects–especially the ones that didn’t end up working out for me. And sometimes it seems like posting about a WIP kind of jinxes the project.
My favourite is the cape, but they are all BEAUTIFUL! what a busy month you’ve had – well done! (a little jealous!!!)
p.s. that new book of yours looks pretty fab – can’t wait for your thoughts on it!
WOW! These are all FANTASTIC! I love the ceylon blouse! It looks fabulous!
wow, you have been really productive. i just found your blog via friday finds by tilly. i love the way your ceylon blouse turned out. that fabric is to die for!
and i am in love with your kimono sleeved capelet! wonderful work!
What a productive month, and such beautiful items! I love the Ceylon blouse idea – may have to give it a go.
I love the Ceylon blouse! Also saw Tanit-Isis’ version. This is definitely something I need to tackle in the future! The piping you did at the waist is a very nice detail.
Thank you all for the lovely comments! I am such a lucky girl to get so much feedback on my work. Thanks!
@CGCouture: I know what you mean about jinxing WIP, that was totally what happened to this shirt!
@Kristen: The book is quite promising, only problem is that I need supplies for making most of the stuff, and that doesn´t fit well into my current stash busting project…
they all look amazing!! i love the blouse shape at the very top! I bought the vogue pattern for the trousers and cape!!! Im stealing your colour idea for the cape :p it looks amazing. Youve been so busy!! My sewing machine is playing silly buggers with me and making me quite sad. Im dropping in two machines to the singer centre on tuesday with my fingers crossed!
@Claire: thank you, I´m looking forward to seeing your progress with thee trousers and cape! And I hope your sewing machine issues are soon to be resolved – sounds frustrating!
Ooh, you have been super productive! This is practically a whole new wardrobe…! I just love the garments you’ve made, and particularly that gorgeous little capelet/blouse. It’s a really cute shape.
Everything is perfect !
Wow – you have been so busy! I especially like the Ceylon-style blouse.
oooh more lovely clothes!! i adore the black skirt and patrones primavera blouse and the navy and white dress….the print is amazing!!
I read this a while ago on the train and was drooling with amazement (though I wouldn’t expect anything less from you!) Ceylon blouse, gorgeous! That cowl neck top, brilliant! Tuxedo Junction? Perfecto. And dang, girl, you really know how to wear a skirt (I’m still learning, though I lack the curves that makes this feminine garment so lovely on gals like you).
I just found your blog from searching for items made from Patrones 300 which was finally delivered today! One of my favourites is the cowl top – and even more so after seeing your lovely version.
Thank for stopping by Allison, Patrones 300 is already a classic!
*Love* the capelet! It’s so pretty!