On freedom.

A friend of mine and I were discussing the topic of choices, while we were out walking. For once the sun was out, and it was a perfect time to get some fresh air and meet some good friends. Needless to say, in most places of the world, freedom is viewed upon as a great…

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What I made this month: January

Ceylon shirt

First of all, sorry for not writing sooner, but I ´ve had a splitting headache most of the week, so I really needed to step away from the computer, and try to do other things instead. Now, you don´t have to feel sorry for me, because it´s all my own fault, not working out as…

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Hello, my name is Ceylon.


So, I took some time yesterday and finished Ceylon. It was so much fun sewing this! I love how everything just came together with this one, the instructions were easy to follow, and even though there are quite a bit of parts and pieces and details with this, I never felt lost thanks to the great instructions.…

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I´ve been somewhat preoccupied with buttons these last couple of week, and this activity didn’t diminish when I searched through my mothers button collection while visiting. These blue buttons are in competition with each other. I cant deside which one of them I want to use for a summer blouse in the SESA… These white made me nostalgic, because…

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