The Carl von Linné skirt
The sun is setting, and the snow is melting outside the tropical greenhouse in Uppsala Botanical Garden.
This weeks challenge over at The Sew Weekly was to make something inspired by the town you live in. Now, I live in Uppsala, and apart from having a really old university, a really big (and old) church, and even older (but smaller) church, a half- made castle and generally being old and nice, Uppsala is the home of some impressive historical people. One of them who is still most visible (despite being dead for 233 years) is Carl von Linné aka Carolus Linnaeus. He wasn´t born in Uppsala, but lived here, and was a professor at Uppsala University.
Probably one of the most well-know people from Uppsala, Mr. L himself.
If you´re not familliar with old Charlie´s work, he is the father of modern taxonomy (the science of finding, describing and naming species of living or fossil organisms). In his lifetime he collected plants and seeds from all over the world, and this can be viewed in Uppsala, we have at least three botanical gardens, all having in one way or another to do with mr. Linné.
Uppsala castle, and the botanical garden covered with snow. Yes, and me and my skirt.
So, I thought it would be aprropriate to make a skirt inspired by all of this. The fabric has a rose print, or a flower from the Rosaceae family, if you wish.
A less windy view of the skirt, pleats please!
The skirt pattern is based on a swedish vintage pattern, Vi-mönster 3324, I just changed the waistband and made it a bit wider.
I love the result of this skirt, pleats are so much fun! And it it super easy to make, I might make a tutorial if someone if interested, too. This skirt is part of Stash Bustin´and Sewing Through the Decades, as well as the Colette Spring Palette Challenge. It´s also what I wore on day 14 of MMMar´11!
Happy sewing!
I love your skirt! The fabric is so pretty!
You live in a beautiful city, Solvi! I love your skirt; there’s something so feminine and pretty about a rose print skirt. Your red boots are awesome!!
The skirt is lovely,I really like it. I thnk it will be a good one for summer too. How nice to see the whole of you in the photo too! BTW, I am jealous of your red boots.
Well, thank you ladies! I love my boots, but they are getting old, and one of them has got a whole in it – so I´m looking for some new one.
I really like your skirt! (So weird, my husband is looking to do further studying in Uppsala university…I didn’t realize you lived there!)
Wow, that´s cool, Steph. you must let me know if you´re coming with him! What department is he at? (My man is at the university too)
I love how with your skirt and overall ensemble, you are basically yelling at winter to go away and for spring to come! I highly agree, maybe if we all start dressing for spring, it will have no other choice but to come…
Hehe, Kristin, that was the general idea of this outfit, yes. It was so strange, when I took a walk to the garden, everyone I met were dressed in black, grey, brown and neutrals. It´s funny how winter do that to people.
Gorgeous chickadee! Love that fabric