Spring sewing plans and an award or two.
My blue fabric is still uncut, and I am being very indecisive about it all. The thing is, it has such a wonderful sheen, and a plain pencil skirt wouldn´t do that much justice. I´m thinking that some pleats or tucks would help to enhance that quality. Ahhh! The choices!
Some ideas for summer clothing.
A part from that, I have made a new plan. A plan for my spring sewing. A part of my challenge this year is to sew more for others, but I haven´t really gotten around to do much of that, so I will hereby announce my spring sewing plan, including unselfish sewing, just to see if that will help me get my mind of unnecessary summer dresses ;-). The general idea of this list is that more than every other project should be for someone else. The list is quite long, but it´s better to have to much to do than to little. I have the main fabric and the patterns for all of these projects ready.
My un-ironed unfinished teal blouse.
Here it goes:
- Finishing my teal blouse in crepe de georgette. Halfway through this.
- Shirt no. 1 for my man. Have already started this.
- Shirtdress for myself. Have prepped the pattern.
- Shirt no. 2 for my man.
- Plaid tunic for a friend of mine.
- Refashioning a yellow silk blouse I´ve thrifted.
- Shirt no. 3 for my darling.
- LBD for a friend.
- Something with my blue fabric…
- Shirt no. 4 for my man.
- Linen sailor pants.
- A summer dress for a friend.
- Some basic summer tops.
- Shirt no. 5 for my man.
- Finishing my plaid shirtdress. Already cut and fitted.
- A jacket/ coat for a friend.
- The box pleat sailor dress.
The order of things isn´t important here, only that I should make stuff for others and stuff for me every other time. At the same time I have the RTW Sewalong jacket to finish off before April is through, so I shouldn´t get bored for quite a while…
On to the awards.
Alright, so I got this extremely coquette and understated award from the fabulous Kristin of Quiet and Small Adventures. It has absolutely nothing to do with sewing, so just be warned!
1) What size shoe do you wear? If you wear a size 7, can I borrow your shoes?
I wear a size 38, that should be 7.5, so sorry. But you can still borrow them if you want to.
2) 30′s or 60′s?
People has decided to interpret this as decades (the founder of the award seem to be a bit unclear about that bit), you could interpret this as age too, and I am a huge lover of all old ladies things, so I could say 60´s as in “I want to be 60”, but then again, 60´s are the new 40´s (as 21 is the new 18 and 30 is the new 21), and 60 year olds aren´t behaving as old ladies anymore, rather quite the opposite, so I might go down the same route as my fellow bloggers and think about decades for a bit. Hm… I think 30´s. Yup. Although I love the music of the 60´s more, some of my favorite tunes were made in the 30´s, and the fashion wasn´t spoiled by RTW quite yet back then, so, a definite 30´s. AND if I was a young girl in the 30´s I would DEFINITELY be an old lady now. And that would rock. So, 30´s it is.
3) Have you ever kissed someone you shouldn’t have?
4) Have you ever been poisoned? Was it by the girlfriend of the person you kissed?? That is awesomely “Knot’s Landing”.
Don´t know anything about “Knot´s Landing”, and never have been poisoned (or so I think).
5) Who’s on your “Celebrity Free Pass” list (top 5)?
“Celebrity Free Pass”-list. Really? Is this high school?
So, who wants this? I know a bunch of you all have already been nominated, and so I´m leaving you without a nomination, and I also know that many don´t really care much for these types of things, so feel free not to answer:
- Alana of Lazy Stitching
- Kristen of KristenMakes
- Louise of aviewintomyworld
- Debbie of Minnadoshouse
- Debi of MyhappySewingPlace
Well. On to the next award, that the always lovely Alana of Lazy Stitching have awarded me.
This is the 7 things you don´t know about me list, and I´ve already done that before, but here´s seven more things:
- I force myself to like foods I don´t really like, but that would be practical to like. Last year it was bananas. Before that it was eggs and before that, the last pieces of confectionary that is left in the box (more chocolate for me…).
- I collected napkins when I was a little girl.
- When I was younger, I sincerely wished that chinese jump rope was an official sport .
- I love this!
- For some reason, I know the lyrics to Coolio´s Gangsta´s paradise.
- I have never been to the northern parts of Norway (usually, that is where tourists go when visiting Norway).
- I love Bulgarian folk music.
I got so exhausted from nominating people for the last award, so this one, give it a go if you haven´t already. If you read this (and have a blog), you have been nominated.
Wow, you have some massive sewing plans, very impressive! I like your sketches…
thank you for your nice comment about my jacket!
Great sewing plans! I like your drawings too.
Thank you for the award – I am going to respond to it soon! Interesting to read your answers.
Love the award data! I missed you from me-made-march:) and I can’t wait to see #11
my oh my you have plans!!! i am NOT that productive
belated thanks for the award linkage – i’ve just emerged from exam hibernation and am catching up on blogs, commenting and will get around to posting next!
really love your picture planning, makes me want to draw more.