How to marry a millionaire, or Burda 117-10-2010.

The inspiration for making this skirt came from watching How to marry a millionaire for the hundredth time. Although both Betty Grable and Marilyn Monroe  are adorable in their roles, my personal favorite is Lauren Bacall. She´s just so smart and funny! The movie was released in 1953, and both full skirted gowns as well as wiggle dresses can be seen in this movie.

Pictured above is the look I was going for (and have been trying to sport for the last couple of weeks), and pictured below is my version:

Twirly full wool skirt. Vintage Burda pattern blouse.

This skirt is, as the title explains, from a recent Burda Magazine, the october 2010 magazine, to be exact. Nothing much to this pattern, quite an easy skirt to stitch up. Have in mind though, if you are thinking of  making this, that it runs quite large in the size. But other than that, great pattern!

Twirly full wool skirt. Vintage Burda pattern blouse.

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  1. Sarah on 06/01/2011 at 07:33

    Miss Bacall, you look divine! 🙂

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