Spring Palette 2011

On my little trip to Paris last weekend, I came over these gorgous summery cottons, at Coupons de St. Pierre. I have them near my desk, so I can look at them from time to time – and at the same time listen to music for an upcoming concert one of my choirs are having…

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Sencha the Dress

Sencha the Dress

Thanks for the lovely comments on my wardrobe production, people! A couple of you wondered about how I made Sencha into a dress.  So I thought I´d share that with you all. First of all, this is not at all complicated, so anyone who knows how to make a Sencha blouse can make her into…

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On my sewing table: 1970s wrap dress

I have just posted a question on Sew Retro about this dress I´m working on, and I´ll just post the whole thing here as well. Hope someone can help me! 🙂 Hello everyone! I am currently working on a wrap-around dress from the 70s (don´t you just love the colors and the accessorizing of the…

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Pledges and sustainability.

Although I have had this blog since 2005, only the last 5 or so months have been really productive. It all came down to my challenge 2010, it´s simple: I said to myself in january this year;  that I shall restrain myself from buying any new clothes.  After making this decision, I discovered the fantastic online…

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Tagging the home

Today´s little craft project was inspired by this idea over at design*sponge. I printed out some letters on decal paper and cut them out and hung them on the refrigerator. “Mat” means food in Norwegian.This could come in handy if I ever get so hungry I forget where the food is…

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>My crochet cardigan

> So this is another project I´ve been working on. I started on this in august. And I´ve had a rather outdrawn break from it a while now. I have been more in a sewing mood than a crochet mood lately. That is a great thing about crafting, you never get tired, because there are…

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My challenge 2010

I have always seen myself as a giving person who helps others in need. I am born and raised in one of the wealthiest countries in the world and have always learned to give to those who have less then me. Still, after I finished studying and started working, I find myself in the shameful…

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>I want spring!

>Dear Spring, where are you? We need you! As I wait for warmer and brighter days, this crepe paper flower reminds me of what is to come. Instructions are to be found here, as mentioned earlier.

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>Allright, so this has nothing to do with crafts, but I came across this article about cooking, and it is hillarious. In Norwegian, I´m afraid. But still. Lots of good tips for the amateur chef. http://blogg.aftenposten.no/ekern/2009/11/06/10-blemmer-du-gj%C3%B8r-pa-kj%C3%B8kkenet/

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